Green Fuels

Statutory Consultation
Feedback Questionnaire

We held our statutory consultation between Thursday 16 May and Thursday 20 June 2024. We would like to thank everyone who took part in this consultation and provided feedback.

We will have regard to all comments received during the statutory consultation. All feedback is important to us and will help to influence the design of the Project. We will set out a summary of the responses in a Consultation Report, which will detail how we have had regard to feedback and how feedback has influenced the proposals. This report will form part of our application for development consent which we expect to submit later this year.

Get in touch

You can follow details of the Project’s progress at: or by getting in touch with the contact centre using the details below.

Email us:

Call us: 0800 157 7346

Please note our Freephone line is open Monday to Friday 9:00am – 5:30pm; please leave a message outside of these times with a preferred time you would like us to call you back.